Saturday, April 2, 2011


2010/04/02, 11.02pm

好稀奇哦!今天带了六妹去Sunway毕业典礼,我们到Sunway大约12.30pm左右,我们三人就到处找我六妹的毕业典礼的地方,找了大约有一小时左右,然后又帮妹妹换衣和拍照留念, 走来又走去的,想起来也蛮好玩的^_^。过后妹妹就进场了,我就和猪杰在shopping center享有午餐后,就去走走,做到脚酸了就在bowling场等了大约两个钟头多,才从Sunway回到家。刚好今天又是弟弟的生日妈妈就买了KFC来庆祝弟弟的生日,好开心哦。。。可是到现在都还不累哦!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


06/04/2010, 3.47pm


公,我永远的怀念您和记得您, 希望您在上天之灵保佑我们平平安安。。。

Monday, April 5, 2010


05/04/2010, 16:52

好想念杰哦!我们几时才能住在一起呢?我们俩见面时,都很少会吵架的,也是特别的开心, 昨天杰提早送我Polo的钱包哦! 那是五周年纪念的礼物。。。我很喜欢这个钱包。。。杰, 这俩天我真的很开心,谢谢你 ~ ~

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


23/12/2009, 9:58pm

Last Saturday I originally did not speak with the Jie, because I angry Jie, when I go out to eat lunch with him, he took out anklet to me, also asked me not to angry him, I was very happy because Jie for a long time not to buy gift to me and gave me a surprise. Moreover, I want the anklet long time already. . .so happy. . .


Saturday, December 12, 2009

New laptop Acer C4736

13/12/2009, 1.12pm.

So happy o, because just buy new laptop, I need to buy laptop so long time already, at last Friday my dream come true, this laptop is buy at Sunway Pyramid computer shop.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Why life will be many troubling ah?

17/03/2009, 2.51pm.

Still 11 days, I want and this company say goodbye. Because I resign already. I was very not willing leave to this company, but no way ... This company although sometimes brought me sad, but sometimes brought me laughter. Here I really learned a lot of things, I really enjoy this job, but I was forced to leave because my family want me back to my hometown working. Now I have become accustomed to the job, I am afraid to go to the new company will not accustomed or unhappy. How? how? Why life will be many troubling ah? Please tell me how to do? :'(

Long time no dining at TC.

17/03/2009, 2.10pm.

I and Jie long time no dining at T&C (Toast & Coffee) already. Therefore, today we're choose dine at there. We order nasi lemak ayam goreng, spaghetti, coffee ice and TC special for as lunch. Today's spaghetti no nice, because too acid...

My mum won lottery.

17/03/2009, 1.37pm.

Last Saturday, my mum won the number of lottery. The number is 7547. This number so lucky, because held twice already. Although only won RM200++, but we're so happy. That day(Sunday) I no with family go to dining diner KFC, because that day(Sunday) I want back hostel at Damansara to ready for the next day's work. But my mum gave me and Jie money go to enjoyed KFC.

Miss my grandfather so much...

17/03/09, 12.49am.

Grandfather, why you are willing to go away?
Grandfather, why you no tell us, it is so leave us ah?
Grandfather, why do not you give me a little more than filial piety?
I have a lot to ask you why?
Although you have left us there is around four years,
My mind still remember your appearance,
Grandfather, you know how I miss you?
You not tell us know and in this way to leave us,
Your leave let us so sad,
Your remeber our promise mah?
You remember?
Maybe you have forgotten,
At my secondary school,
You promise me after five years,
If I am higher than you,
You have to please me eat a big meal,
If I shorter than you ,
I would promise you to eat a big meal,
But now you no tell us to know when you leave us,
All the promise are gone already...
Afterward can't saw you again,
Afterward can't saw your sweet smile again,
Afterward can't saw you in the garden to grow vegetables,
Grandfather, I will forever miss you,
Grandfather, if there is an afterlife, I hope can be your granddaughter again.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

So dangerous...

16/03/2009, 10.30pm.

My working time is five days and half, I very hate worked on Saturday, because so boring. That day(14/03/2009, Saturday) I with Jie finished work on 1pm, therefore we're enjoyed lunch at SS2. When we finished dining and go to taken car. I would like to fetch Jie go to bus stop. When I return my car, I not saw there is a hole on the road, my wheel fall into the hole. I was scared, better got Jie to help me drive up. =)